Landsvirkjun and CDP joint event

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Transform the Norm – Climate disclosure and action in Iceland

The world stands at a crossroads. The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the vulnerabilities of the economy into sharp relief, and renewed calls for a more sustainable and resilient economy.

This decade must be the decade of transformative environmental action, in the race to a net-zero sustainable economy.

On the 8th of May, Landsvirkjun, a leader in climate disclosure, and CDP, the non-profit that runs the world’s largest environmental database, are coming together in a joint event on the power of disclosure in spurring environmental action in Iceland. In the run up to COP28, disclosure is vital for public authorities, municipalities and companies to demonstrate their environmental leadership and push for even greater ambition globally.

The event takes place at Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavík. Registration opens at 12:30 pm and the event starts at 1 pm.


12:30 - Welcoming of participants
13:00 - Welcome from Landsvirkjun & CDP Europe
  • Jóna Bjarnadóttir, Executive Vice President of Environment and Community, Landsvirkjun
  • Maxfield Weiss, Executive Director, CDP Europe
13:20 - Panel Discussion
  • Moderated by Maxfield Weiss, Executive Director, CDP Europe
  • Halldór Þorgeirsson, Chair of the Icelandic Climate Council
  • Hrönn Hrafnsdóttir, Head of Climate Change Affairs, Department of Environment and Planning, City of Reykjavík
  • Jóhanna Hlín Auðunsdóttir, Director of Climate and Green Solutions, Landsvirkjun

14:00 - Coffee Break

14:15 - CDP Disclosure - Introductory Session
  • Maxfield Weiss, Executive Director, CDP Europe
  • Angele Cauchois, Senior Public Authorities Officer, CDP Europe

15:00 - Break

15:10 - CDP Disclosure – Focus Session on Public Authorities
  • Angele Cauchois, Senior Public Authorities Officer, CDP Europe
  • Online intervention from Eric Wilson, Vice-President, Climate Resilience & Sustainability Planning, New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority Construction & Development
15:50 - Closing of the event
  • Jóna Bjarnadóttir, Executive Vice President of Environment and Community, Landsvirkjun
  • Maxfield Weiss, Executive Director, CDP Europe