Supplier Code of Conduct

The term “Supplier” includes individuals or businessess that Landsvirkjun procures supplies, services and works from.
The Landsvirkjun Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the United Nation' s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
Landsvirkjun Supplier Code of Conduct
Child Labour
Suppliers shall uphold the legal requirements in the respective country regarding the minimum legal age of employment, work hours and right to education. Children under the legal age of employment shall not undertake work that could harm their health or safety.
Forced Labour & Modern Slavery
All types of forced and compulsory labour are prohibited. Suppliers shall ensure that employees are employed of their own free will and are free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice or in accordance with established legal requirements.
Wages and Benefits
Suppliers guarantee that wages paid to employees are equal to the minimum wage prescribed by law/ collective agreements with unions on wages in the respective country. Suppliers shall comply with the laws/regulations on labour rights and collective agreements on work hours and rest, holiday entitlement, sickness pay and other benefits.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Suppliers shall respect and recognise employees' rights regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining in the respective country. If the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted in the respective country, then the Supplier should encourage employees to elect a representative to protect their rights in the workplace.
Equal Rights & Non-Discrimination
Suppliers shall promote a work culture of equality, tolerance, and mutual respect free from discrimination against gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinions or other. Suppliers do not discriminate against employee representatives or union members of any kind.
Health and Safety
All types of forced and compulsory labour are prohibited. Suppliers shall ensure that employees are employed of their own free will and are free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice or in accordance with established legal requirements.
Suppliers shall ensure a safe and healthy work environment for employees, complying with the legal requirements of the respective country. Appropriate health and safety training and information should be provided to all employees. Suppliers provide employees with access to on-site reading materials and guidelines on preventative measures to avoid workplace hazards and emergency response plans in the case of an accident/emergency. Suppliers shall provide all necessary safety equipment and monitor its use.Business Integrity
Suppliers shall consistently work against corruption, including bribery, extortion, and fraud. Suppliers shall not offer, request, demand, promise, provide or accept any financial incentives or rewards directly or indirectly for themselves or others intended to influence business decisions in violation of professional duties improperly. Bribery can be cash, gifts, loans, costs, hospitality, services, discounts, or any other gain.
Conflict of Interest
Suppliers must avoid any conflict of interest in business transactions with Landsvirkjun. The term "conflict of interest" refers to the compromise of a supplier's credibility by placing personal interests or the interests of external parties (relatives or friends) above those of Landsvirkjun. Landsvirkjun shall be informed of any situation that could create a conflict of interest.
Environment & Climate Change
Suppliers shall be aware of the environmental impact of their operations and should endeavour to reduce this impact responsibly and purposefully. Landsvirkjun expects Suppliers to take decisive action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and value chain.