International Operations

Our vision – “a sustainable world, powered by renewable energy”– perfectly aligns with the world‘s goal of a global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy – the most important tool in the fight against climate change.

International operations for a sustainable world

Through our international operations, our aim is to support the energy transition of Arctic countries by utilising Landsvirkjun’s unique knowledge and experience in the development and operation of hydropower and geothermal power plants. In addition to its positive effect on climate change, the development of renewable power generation leads to social progress and economic benefits.

Comparable requirements are made in our international operations as we make in Iceland, concerning profitability, risk, sustainability, environmental issues, and ethics.

Landsvirkjun's international operations are conducted through its subsidiary, Landsvirkjun Power.

Arctic projects at the forefront

Project development and investments related to hydropower, wind energy, and geothermal energy are prioritised in Landsvirkjun’s international operations. Such projects in the Arctic, particularly in Canada and Greenland, will be at the forefront.

Landsvirkjun’s Interest

International operations offer us the opportunity to grow in new markets, increase the company's value, and raise dividends in the long term, reduce portfolio risk, build connections and knowledge that can be beneficial for Iceland and our partners globally.

Meet the team

Managing Director of Landsvirkjun Power and EVP of Business Development and Innovation at Landsvirkjun

Rikardur Rikardsson

Chief Engineer of Landsvirkjun Power and Director of Hydropower Development at Landsvirkjun

Óli Grétar Blöndal Sveinson

Director of Project Development

Sveinbjörn Finnsson

Project Manager

Kristján Guðmundsson

Project Manager

Einar Erlingsson

Project Manager

Björn Stefánsson