An underground plant, located approximately 230 metres below the surface.

Blanda Power Station came on-line in 1991. It is located on the northern edge of the high-lands near the end of the Kjalvegur Mountain Road. To the north is a view over the Blöndu-dalur Valley where the River Blanda flows out to the sea near the town of Blönduós. The Blanda Station is an underground plant, located approximately 230 metres below the surface.
The river flows through grassy fields in the lowlands, but its source is in a region that only a few decades ago was a desert. After the creation of a 56 km2 storage reservoir, extensive revegetation efforts were initiated. Since 1981, Landsvirkjun has cultivated over 5000 hectares at an altitude of 400–600 m by fertiliser treatment and sowing. This is one of the most extensive reclamation projects ever undertaken in Iceland’s highlands.